The gifts we remember best aren’t silly trinkets, the latest gadgets, or bright bouquets: they’re the thoughtful, meaningful gestures that warm the heart.
This Mother’s Day, we’re asking you to honor a mother you know by giving to a mother in need through The mothers in Tanzania may be a world away physically, but their sacrifices, their hopes, and their love for their children are things we can all recognize.
Traveling in Tanzania with their sons, Susan Killeen and her husband experienced incredible beauty…and witnessed incredible need, a juxtaposition that prompted them to do more:
Traveling to another country almost always expands your horizons, but traveling to Tanzania truly expands your heart. The warmth of the people, the beauty of the land, and the awe-inspiring experiences with wild animals change a person forever.
But time in Africa also reminds us that we have so much, while others have so little. At home, a long line at Starbucks can sour your mood. In Tanzania, women and girls walk for miles just to get clean water for their families.
It was these simultaneous extremes—of beauty and poverty—that compelled us to get involved with Focus on Tanzanian Communities. We realized that the blessings that allowed us to travel to such an amazing place should be used to give back to others who have so much less.
We traveled to Africa for safari, but now we feel that witnessing the need, and giving back, was the real reason we were meant to see Tanzania in the first place.
No matter where they live, or how little they have, mothers all over the world are bonded by their love for their children. Extend your love to a mother in need. Please head to today to give a Mother’s Day gift that will bring a smile to your face…and to so many others (by completing the “honor” section of the donation form, we’ll send an acknowledgment to the mother you honor - just be sure to include your honoree's address!).
Do any of you Aunts, Uncles, or Grandparents out there have stories and photos we can share? Send them to – we’d love to share them with all the big-hearted travelers we know!