PERSPECTIVES - FOTZC Celebrates New Maternity Ward
with Maasai Elder
Nekaaki Olekioki Emash is one-of-a-kind—she’s a grandmother, midwife, and storyteller of the many adventures of her life and childhood. She’s also a long-time friend of FOTZC, with whom she shares her experiences and tales of midwifery in Tanzania.
That’s why she’s the namesake of the new Sukenya maternity ward; she’s dedicated much of her life to helping women give birth safely and has enriched the lives of those in her community.
The Maternity Ward Dedication
Due to the pandemic, the FOTZC board was only recently able to return to Tanzania, where they were finally able to visit with the community and see the impact of the Sukenya Health Center. Over 100 community members and several Tanzanian government officials greeted them to thank FOTZC for the newly-built maternity ward.
After a year of construction, the maternity ward features a labor room, three delivery rooms, and a post-delivery room. With the FOTZC board on-site, the finishing touch was to name the building.
Nekaaki by his side, the District Commissioner had the honor of unveiling a golden plaque with her portrait reading, “Nekaaki Maternity Ward, Sukenya 2022.” The roar of cheers and clapping of the crowd who had gathered for the celebration was a testament to the importance of Nekaaki to the community and the excitement of having these new medical facilities.
“Nekaaki loved her plaque,” Bonnie Clendenning, President of FOTZC, said.
“She was honored and delighted.”
After the dedication, dozens of women from Sukenya toured the new facilities with excitement and dancing, singing, and cheering through the new hallways.
Why Is the Maternity Ward Important?
When Sukenya Health Center was built in 2015, the survival rate for mothers and infants soared to 95%. This new maternity ward will give doctors, nurses, and midwives space to care for birthing mothers and offer more specialized, higher-quality care.
New Nekaaki Maternity Ward (left) next to the Sukenya Health Center
Care isn’t just for mothers—fathers will be encouraged to attend the newly-offered prenatal education meetings between pregnant women and their doctors. In a historically patriarchal society, this is a huge advancement in dismantling the cultural challenges that expectant mothers experience.
In addition to the maternity ward, an operating theatre has been built, and FOTZC has plans to build a laboratory and outpatient clinic for eye care, ear care, and physical therapy. As the facility expands, so does the need to house additional doctors, nurses, and specialists needed to staff the new departments.
Ms. Clendenning announced the plans to add more staff housing in a meeting with the center’s medical staff, who were all excited to add new colleagues.
“The entire room broke out in delighted applause and cheering,” she said.
Once complete, the facilities will be an invaluable resource for the community and for those who visit it.
How Can You Help?
Click the link below to support FOTZC’s projects and be a force for good in Tanzania. One hundred percent of your tax deductible donation goes directly to FOTZC projects. You can choose to send your gift where it’s needed most, or designate one of FOTZC’s areas of focus: Education, Health, Water and Women’s Empowerment.