Completed Projects:

13 boreholes & water distribution systems –  $424,000

Latrines for Women's Empowerment site and Haymu Primary and Moivaro Primary - $62,900

Clean water is the most basic need for good health and well-being. Boreholes are the safest and most effective way to provide water in the rural regions of Tanzania where water is scarce. Wells, storage tanks and distribution systems give girls and women more opportunities and freedom from the time-consuming task of water collection.  Boreholes are helping students and the surrounding communities stay healthy.  Latrines are also included with all FOTZC-built dorms.

The Haymu Primary borehole was funded by Rotary San Jose and Rotary International.
The Haymu Primary latrines were funded by Rotary San Jose.
The Moivaro Primary latrines were funded by Aurea and Stephen Herrick.